Friday, July 2, 2010

Cheating the Cheated

  • Cheating the Cheated

    I was talking with a group of my friends and we discussing boys as girls often do. The topic of guys who come to school with girlfriends back home but still purse girls here, came up. I asked my friends "would you date somebody with a girlfriend back home or at another school ?" One of the girls said "its not me that's cheating, that's him". I know I would feel bad if I slept with someone who had a girlfriend, unless it was an open relationship. Just because she doesn't go to my school or isn't here doesn't make her not real. Isn't that just setting yourself up for heartache?

    Technically you're not a cheater but your helping the person cheat and they're cheating their current girlfriend and you out of a relationship. It's one thing not to know they have a girlfriend cause they didn't tell you, but its another thing to know and still do it. I know girls who their mess around with boys and their girlfriend's go to my school. Some people don't count sleeping with other people cheating but when they make an emotional connection the call it cheating.

    So what do you think of people who help people cheat? What do you consider cheating? Would you take your bf/gf back if they cheated on you?

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